Getting Started into Programming

Layman Learn Code

How long does it take to become a coder? It doesn’t necessitate years of preparation; if you make a proper plan and follow it, the process could take as few as six months. Ultimately, the specific timeline you choose is up to you — you could make a year-long transition plan or opt for an even shorter, three-month schedule. Below, we’ve listed a few of the steps you’ll need to follow as you make your transition into a web development or software development career.

  • 1. Explore Online Resources and Learn More Generally speaking, how you start your career journey will depend on your level of experience and specific interest. Those who already know coding fundamentals may feel comfortable launching into formal classes right away. Hobbyists or beginners, however, may prefer to spend some time exploring a few coding basics online. One of the first steps you can take when planning your career change is to take advantage of free online coding resources. Countless online sources provide valuable career advice, host opportunities for project-based learning and offer extra insights into computer science’s theoretical underpinnings. Not sure where to start? You can explore sites like w3schools for free learning resources to help you get a handle on coding basics. A quick clarification — these resource sites are not designed to facilitate a rapid career change. However, they can provide you with valuable coding lessons and exercises relating to basic languages such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
  • 2. Further Your Education With a Coding Bootcamp If you’re wondering how to become a coder in three to six months and have no coding, web development or software engineering experience, you’ll want to enroll in a coding bootcamp. Coding bootcamps are intensive programs that help students build foundational knowledge in core technologies. Unlike university computer science programs, bootcamps are designed with a strong emphasis on practical skills and hands-on experience employers are looking for when hiring for open positions.
  • Skills taught in bootcamps can include but are not limited to:
    1. HTML
    2. CSS
    3. JavaScript
    4. jQuery
    5. MySQL
    6. MongoDB
    7. Python
    8. Java
    9. C#
    These programs also offer flexibility; you can attend a virtual online coding bootcamp on either a full-time or a part-time schedule, depending on your other responsibilities and availability. Many coding bootcamps can be completed in three months (full-time) or six months (part-time). A bootcamp is not a self-study program; even if you attend a bootcamp online, you’ll receive individualized training, education and interaction from your instructors, just as if you were attending an in-person coding bootcamp. As an enrollee, you’ll engage in focused, accountable study, gain proficiency in a wide range of popular coding languages and work on individual and group projects that will eventually serve as the core of your portfolio. By the bootcamp’s end, you’ll have a level of comfort, familiarity and knowledge of coding that will empower you to hit the ground running from your first day on the job. Employers know this, too. One of the great things about coding is that the profession is welcoming to talented coders of all ages and career backgrounds. A bootcamp certificate proves that a candidate has marketable skills, works well under a tight timeline and is willing to put their all into assignments. Data supports this: according to a recent survey from HackerRank (PDF, 2.4MB), 39.2 percent of surveyed hiring managers believe that bootcamp graduates are just as qualified as their conventionally-educated peers, and 33 percent say that bootcamp learners are more qualified. The same study also found that the majority of hiring managers believe that bootcamp grads excel because they learn new technologies and languages quickly (71 percent), have strong practical experience (61 percent) and are eager to take on new responsibilities (52 percent).

    If you want to learn how to become a coder in six months or fewer, you’ll need all of the educational and career benefits that a coding bootcamp provides.

  • 3. Consider Your Specialty and Focus As you expand your knowledge about coding, you may want to think about what kind of programmer you’d like to be. If you know how you want to apply your coding skills professionally, you can seek out courses, internships and projects that suit your interests. This isn’t to say that you necessarily need to pick a specialty — if you’re uncertain, a more generalized study path can help you figure out what you want to do in the future. Generally speaking, programmers can choose one of three career tracks: front end, back end and full stack. Here’s a quick rundown: Front End Developers:These professionals focus on the client-side of a website — the part that visitors can see and interact with. Front end programmers primarily focus on designing and building the aesthetics and structure of a site. Back End Developers: These coders are responsible for the server-side, or back end, of websites and applications. Their work ensures that the website functions as it is intended to. Full Stack Developers: As the name suggests, full stack developers are responsible for the “full stack” of development technology; they have the knowledge and skills necessary to tackle both front and back end challenges. You may want to consider your specialty and focus as you expand your knowledge about coding. Almost every coder has some kind of specialization; according to Stack Overflow’s 2020 Developer Report, 55.2 percent of surveyed developers identify as back end professionals, 37.1 percent as front end and 54.9 percent as full stack. Think about the type of job and responsibilities you would like to have! If you’re unsure of which direction you want to go, you can enroll in a full stack bootcamp. Alternatively, you can seek out a program that specifically emphasizes front or back end skills.
  • 4. Seek Out a Tech Internship and Practical Experience You may want to consider a part-time tech internship to exercise some of the coding skills you learn at a bootcamp. After all, internships can give you real experience with an employer and excellent references to take to your next job. If you care about a cause or a movement, consider volunteering your skills to a nonprofit organization you support, either through an internship program or another volunteer arrangement. You’ll be able to add independent, successful work to your portfolio and stack up another positive reference for future employers as you provide meaningful support for a cause you hold near and dear.
  • Additional Resources:

    How to Get a Programming Internship — Chron Donate:Code — Donate:Code Why Volunteer for Code for Fun? — Code for Fun

  • 5. Build Your Own Website and Projects If you want to launch a career in web development, consider getting started by building a website. These days, an advanced online portfolio is an essential component of a strong tech resume when you’re looking for a new career in coding. With a portfolio website, you’ll be able to show employers that you understand the technologies needed for developing a site and demonstrate your other technical capabilities via linked projects. You may also want to consider getting involved in open-source development communities. These allow you to contribute to significant projects, expand your knowledge — especially in widely-used programming and scripting languages — and make excellent connections in the field. Don’t be afraid to network; let people in your professional circle know when you are looking for a job, and consider joining online and in-person networking events to make even more industry contacts.